Icky, the Chihuahua who snuck onto their owner’s baggage and became an international sensation after being photographed in its overweight bag earlier this month was identified by Southwest as “world’s most adorable stowaway.”
The pup got into some trouble when it tried to ride with them on the Lubbock-to Las Vegas flight but ended up underneath things like pillows, blankets (and even shoes), leading one frequent flier at least to know where they’ve seen that little guy before.
Icky was discovered when the couple found their luggage weight to be more than the recommended 50 pounds that allow a bag to fly without being charged extra, for free.
Cathy Cook, a Southwest employee for more than 24 years, offered the couple some friendly advice. She suggested rearranging some items and avoiding hefty overweight fees instead of taking all your stuff on board with them.
This is when Owens (the owner of the Chihuahua) discovered what was hiding inside: his dog’s little bitty head bobbing up and down alongside her tongue sticking out.
When they heard that Icky had crawled into their bag without them knowing (how could you?), it was one of the cutest moments they’d experienced. As per the owner of the Chihuahua, the couple wished there would have been pictures taken during those moments because they started laughing so hard their stomachs hurt.
Icky is a dog that was rescued from the side of a road in Texas. The person who took her home may not have realized what they were getting themselves into and now Icki has become known as an airport escape artist. She has a habit of hiding and wasn’t supposed to be invited on this trip with them, so she pulled off a trick nobody could’ve expected of a little dog her age.
I guess it’s time we give our favorite pup some credit where credit belongs: with wit, intelligence, and nerves of steel? And also, this couldn’t have been possible if she wasn’t such a small puppy who could easily fit inside a suitcase without having much of an impact on the weight.
Southwest Airlines personnel say Cook offered to watch over their plus-one at Vegas airport but then a relative of the couple rushed to the airport before takeoff and took away the Chihuahua. Fortunately, the couple could board the flight in time and nothing bad happened as a result of this little pup’s naughty games.
However, one thing’s sad for sure. Despite its hard attempts at getting aboard that plane with mummy and daddy, Icky could not travel alongside the couple. The Southwest airline does allow small pups to travel for an additional fee, though. But I guess, it wasn’t a lucky day for Icky today.